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SBCEO Local Control and Accountability Plan

LCAP Information & Resources for Districts

About Our Plan

In 2013, legislation made significant changes to how K-12 public schools are funded and introduced the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which simplifies spending requirements with the goal to promote greater transparency and local accountability.

Each Local Education Agency (LEA), county office of education (COE), or district must solicit input from educational partners to develop a three-year plan and measure success in 8 priority areas (10 for COEs) that facilitate high-quality educational programs, using the adopted template. The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the vehicle for communicating identified goals, priorities, services, and actions. LEAs must report on progress and update plans annually prior to budget adoption.

A comprehensive explanation of the LCFF funding system has been provided by the California State Legislative Analyst’s Office (Overview of LCFF).

2024-25 SBCEO LCAP - English | Español

SBCEO LCAP Federal Addendum (revised June 2024) - English

2021-22 Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) - Santa Barbara County Education Office 2020-21

COVID-19 Operations Written Report for Santa Barbara County Education Office