As the calendar year comes to a close, we take this moment to reflect with gratitude on the many partnerships that strengthen public education and enrich the lives of students across our county. May this season bring you rest, peace, and a healthy, joyful New Year!
Just in time for the season of giving thanks, SBCEO was thrilled to shower our appreciation on eight of Santa Barbara County's most exceptional educators at our 11th annual A Salute to Teachers gala.
In this edition of our newsletter, I am pleased to share several updates and resources highlighting the collaborative work happening throughout Santa Barbara County.
All Santa Barbara County schools are back in full swing, and we find ourselves in one of the most joyful, dynamic, and bustling times of the year. Welcome back to the 2024-25 school year!
To our 5,500 graduates, 5,500 cheers to your achievements and the courage it takes to step into the unknown. May you find utter joy in discovering your gifts, be kind to people along the way, and please remember to call home
Cheers echoed through stadiums across Santa Barbara County as more than 5,000 seniors graduated from our county's public high schools. Graduations are a major milestone marking both a celebration and commencement into new territory, as students launch into adulthood.
Our annual recognition events acknowledge the skillful, creative, unflappable, brilliant people who work in the field of education in service to children, families, and school staff.
From librarians, nurses, bus drivers, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists to teachers, principals, administrative professionals, food service workers, and school volunteers … the months of April and May are packed full of special observances in appreciation of people who serve our nearly 70,000 pre-K-12th grade students across Santa Barbara County.
With springtime flowers comes plenty of sunshine and the Santa Barbara County Spelling B-E-E. Congratulations to the county's most S-T-E-L-L-A-R young spellers who were recently crowned as 2024 champions. Read more about their achievements in the March 2024 newsletter (linked above).
The new year brings new opportunities!
Come explore job opportunities in the field of education at one or both of our upcoming Education Job Fairs. We’d love to meet you and share with you the exciting and rewarding jobs in schools throughout Santa Barbara County.
Schools are seeking the best and brightest talent to serve students and keep programs operating effectively. In addition to teachers and instructional support staff, schools need professionals in information technology, accounting, human resources, maintenance, and more.
At its December County Board of Education meeting, the Board paid tribute to colleague Maggi Daane, who sadly passed away on November 25 after battling cancer.
It was truly our honor to pay tribute to teaching excellence, and specifically, eight of our county’s most remarkable teachers.
At SBCEO, we provide credentialing and apprenticeship programs, professional development, networking, grants, and other supports. We also LOVE to shine a spotlight on educator achievements.
As we all settle into our daily routines, a reminder that attendance in school is essential for student success. Each day of learning helps prepare for the next. We look forward to seeing students in school everyday – they are our VIPs!
The summer season brings a shifting of gears - hopefully some rest and relaxation - and time to reconnect with neighbors, friends, family and community. It also brings a chance for students to receive extra support or dedicate time to a key subject in summer school.
I extend my most heartfelt congratulations to graduating high school seniors, our amazing Class of 2023!
Fentanyl poisoning remains a serious concern across our county, state, and nation. Tragically, we continue to hear of fentanyl-related accidental overdoses and in some cases, deaths, within our youth population.
It sure has been a stormy couple of months for our state and county! While we welcome the rain, the extreme conditions caused many schools and school districts to close their campuses as atmospheric river storms hit our region.
In addition to teachers and instructional support staff, schools across Santa Barbara County are seeking professionals in information technology, accounting, human resources, maintenance, and other fields including counseling and psychology.
One of our goals for 2023 was to launch a new webinar series called Education Spotlight, created to provide information and resources on youth-focused topics for families and community members in Santa Barbara County. Our first webinar took place on January 19, 2023: a panel presentation on the fentanyl and opioid epidemic and specific data on the impacts within our count.
As we head into 2023, I reflect on the year behind us, and all the moments of celebration, learning, leadership, dedication, accomplishment and pure grit displayed throughout our schools.
November brings with it a time to remember and appreciate Veterans, participate and learn from parent-teacher conferences in schools, and for many of us, gather in community with friends, loved ones, and family.
The weather is cooling, leaves are falling, and our classrooms and schools are brimming with exciting events and activities.
The 2022-2023 school year is in full swing, thanks to teachers, students, families, school leaders, and support staff standing strong and working together.
Greetings, Santa Barbara County community members. It is my honor to serve as your Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools, and to bring you the first edition of our Santa Barbara County Education Office (SBCEO) newsletter.
The summer season brings a shifting of gears - hopefully some rest and relaxation - and time to reconnect with neighbors, friends, family and community. It also brings a chance for students to receive extra support or dedicate time to a key subject in summer school.
I extend my most heartfelt congratulations to graduating high school seniors, our amazing Class of 2023!
Fentanyl poisoning remains a serious concern across our county, state, and nation. Tragically, we continue to hear of fentanyl-related accidental overdoses and in some cases, deaths, within our youth population.
It sure has been a stormy couple of months for our state and county! While we welcome the rain, the extreme conditions caused many schools and school districts to close their campuses as atmospheric river storms hit our region.
In addition to teachers and instructional support staff, schools across Santa Barbara County are seeking professionals in information technology, accounting, human resources, maintenance, and other fields including counseling and psychology.
One of our goals for 2023 was to launch a new webinar series called Education Spotlight, created to provide information and resources on youth-focused topics for families and community members in Santa Barbara County. Our first webinar took place on January 19, 2023: a panel presentation on the fentanyl and opioid epidemic and specific data on the impacts within our count.
As we head into 2023, I reflect on the year behind us, and all the moments of celebration, learning, leadership, dedication, accomplishment and pure grit displayed throughout our schools.
November brings with it a time to remember and appreciate Veterans, participate and learn from parent-teacher conferences in schools, and for many of us, gather in community with friends, loved ones, and family.
The weather is cooling, leaves are falling, and our classrooms and schools are brimming with exciting events and activities.
The 2022-2023 school year is in full swing, thanks to teachers, students, families, school leaders, and support staff standing strong and working together.
Greetings, Santa Barbara County community members. It is my honor to serve as your Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools, and to bring you the first edition of our Santa Barbara County Education Office (SBCEO) newsletter.
Born and raised in the United States, I have never pledged allegiance to any other flag but ours. This country is my home.
Nací y me crie en los Estados Unidos, nunca he jurado lealtad a ninguna otra bandera que no sea la nuestra. Este país es mi patria.
Thousands of students in Santa Barbara County have not been on a campus since March 2020, and too many families are weary with concern for their children’s well-being. All youth deserve equitable opportunities to thrive; they need routines that involve peers, interaction, play, and belonging.
2020: A year of downs, ups, backwards and sideways, to say the least. The year was full of reality that seemed unimaginable at this time last year. Far too many friends, family members, and neighbors lost jobs and closed businesses, and a staggering number of individuals lost their lives.
On November 4, the day after this extraordinary election season culminates, our children will be watching us.
Today marks an important, positive milestone for Santa Barbara County. Through our community’s collective efforts, we have moved from the purple tier to the red tier as identified by California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. (English and Spanish)
The long-awaited answer about what schools will look like in the fall was delivered on July 17 when Governor Newsom announced all public and private schools in counties on the state’s monitoring list, which includes Santa Barbara County, must open via distance learning.
On Thursday at the Santa Barbara County Board of Education meeting, we were elated to announce that our very own Joanna Hendrix - a teacher of deaf/hard of hearing children whose classroom is housed at Ralph Dunlap School in Orcutt - was selected as the 2023 County Teacher of the Year. For the past 21 years, Hendrix has served deaf and hard of hearing preschool, transitional kindergarten, & kindergarten students from the Santa Maria and Orcutt regions. In 40 years, only one other SBCEO teacher has been named Santa Barbara County Teacher of the Year.
Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Susan Salcido walks us through the two years since COVID forced campus closures here and across the world
As schools across Santa Barbara County reopen following the winter break and prepare for a successful return, I wanted to take a moment to reconnect with our community.
Mientras comienza la escuela y las rutinas cambian del verano a la escuela, los estudiantes, el personal y las familias se ajustan de múltiples maneras para lanzar el año con éxito. Los niños y miembros de la familia aprenden los horarios del bus, hacen arreglos para compartir transporte, reprograman las alarmas de la mañana y esperan con emoción ver qué amigos están en sus clases.
As school begins and routines shift from summer to school mode, students, staff, and families adjust in multiple ways to help launch the year successfully. Children and family members learn bus schedules, sort out carpools, reset morning alarms, and excitedly wait to see which friends are in their classes. Teachers and staff reunite at schools ahead of the students to thoughtfully prepare a vibrant, fulfilling, inclusive experience for every student.