Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Resources
Resources: Equity and Accountability Planning
- 2024-2027 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- LCAP Resources and Links
- Budget Overview for Parents
2024-2027 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for LEAs (county office of education [COE], school districts and charter schools) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.
The components of the LCAP for the 2024-2025 LCAP year must be posted as one document assembled in the following order:
- LCFF Budget Overview for Parents
- 2023-2024 LCAP Annual Update
- Plan Summary
- Engaging Educational Partners
- Goals and Actions
- Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-income students
- Action Tables
- Instructions
LCAP Resources and Links
Adopted 2023-2024 LCAP Annual Update Template
Adopted 2024-2025 LCAP Template and Instructions(November 2023)
Adopted 2024-2025 Template Only
Adopted 2024-2025 Instructions Only
Adopted 2024-2025 Action Tables (November 2023)
Budget Overview for Parents
The Budget Overview for Parents is a document that describes a district’s, or Local Educational Agency’s (LEA’s), revenues and expenses, especially as they pertain to Local Control Funding Formula and money targeted to support low-income students, English learners, foster and homeless youth. As much as is possible, the document should use language and graphs that all readers are able to understand.
Transform Your Equity Story: Leveraging the 2024 - 2027 LCAP Cycle
Operationalizing Equity: LCAP Professional Learning Series 2022-2023
- Educational Partner Engagement - Cycle 1
- Data Analysis - Cycle 2
- Goals & Actions - Cycle 3
- District and Charter LCAP Template Training
Educational Partner Engagement - Cycle 1
This virtual learning session focused on meaningful engagement with educational partners as a critical component of the strategic planning process. Participants will examine their current practices for collaborating with families and their communities and explore effective approaches to engage educational partners with a focus on student learning.
The session focused on:
- Developing strategies and tools to overcome the challenges to engaging underserved and underrepresented families
- Creating systemic conditions to foster authentic family and community engagement
- Engaging families through trusting relationships with a connection to student learning
- Building the capacity of families and educators to do work in partnership
Educational Partner Engagement Virtual Learning Resources:
SBCEO EPE Virtual Learning Session Cycle 1 Slide Deck
Family Engagement Toolkit: Continuous Improvement through an Equity Lens
The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships
Educational Partner Engagement Virtual Learning Handouts:
Handout 1.1 (Reflection on Current Practices)
Handout 1.3 (Engagement Matrix Assessment)
Data Analysis - Cycle 2
This virtual learning session will focus on the use of data to drive the development of school plans and the implementation of actions. Participants will examine the data that is available and explore strategies for building knowledge and skills to use data to promote equity.
This session will focus on:
- Clarifying expectations for the use of data to support the development of a data culture
- Identifying state and local data that is available to measure progress toward LCAP goals
- Making meaning of data to inform current practice and explore areas of inequity
- Preparing and presenting data that is relevant and accessible to all families
Data Analysis Virtual Learning Resources:
Goals & Actions - Cycle 3
This virtual learning session will focus on examining planned actions and their impact on progress toward goals and student outcomes. Participants will evaluate the design of actions, the effectiveness of actions, and the students the actions are intended to serve.
This session will focus on:
- Using metrics and Year 2 Outcome data to analyze the effectiveness of goals and planned actions
- Considering and prioritizing the needs of unduplicated pupils when developing and implementing actions
- Revising goals and planned actions and documenting changes in the 2023-24 LCAP
- Designing actions that identify who is the conducting the action, which students are receiving the service, and what outcomes are expected
Goals & Actions Virtual Learning Resources:
Goals & Actions Cycle 3 Flyer
District and Charter LCAP Template Training
District and Charter LCAP Template Training
SBCEO has planned an in-person meeting to support LEA writing teams as they develop their 2023-24 LCAP.
SBCEO LCAP Leads will review the required elements of the template and share strategies for developing a meaningful and accessible plan. District and charter teams will have the opportunity to revisit their plans and begin writing with support available from SBCEO LCAP Leads.
Topics to Include:
- 2023-24 LCAP template and statutory requirements
- Goal Analysis of the 2022-23 LCAP
- Triangulation of metrics, actions, and increased and improved services
- Action Tables and the calculation of LCFF Carryover
- Other LCAP development resources and support available
District and Charter LCAP Template Training Resources:
District & Charter LCAP Template Training Flyer
Ellen Barger
Associate Superintendent
Curriculum & Instruction
(805) 964-4711, ext. 5066
Shawn Carey
Director, School and District Support
(805) 964-4710, ext. 5348