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School Safety Resources

Keeping Santa Barbara County schools safe
Here at the Santa Barbara County Education Office and across our county, student safety is a top priority. SBCEO supports county districts and schools in developing and supporting Comprehensive School Safety Plans and acts as an important connection between education and emergency personnel. The following resources have been compiled for schools, law enforcement, families, and the community to support the safety of all students in our county.


Bridget Baublits
Associate Superintendent, Student and Community Services
(805) 964-4710, ext. 5265 

Dennis Thomas
School Safety Liaison
(805) 964-4710, ext. 5302
cell: 805-896-6462
Camie Barnwell
Director, Communications
Public Information Officer
(805) 964-4710, ext. 5282
cell: 805-696-0064

Standard Response Protocols

Standard Response Protocol

Countywide, all school districts and law enforcement agencies have adopted a common emergency response language known as the Standard Response Protocols (SRPs) - which refers to five specific actions that may be called during an emergency or unsafe incident near or on a school campus. Watch this brief video below to learn more about the five SRP actions:

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) provides guidance to schools and first responders to facilitate clear and consistent emergency response actions. The SRP is not a replacement for any school safety plan or protocol. It is a response enhancement to critical incidents, designed to provide clear, consistent language and actions among all staff, students and first responders.

Standard Reunification Method

SRM logo
Santa Barbara County representatives from preschools, public and private schools, police and fire, mental health, after-school programs, the Office of Emergency Management, and other agencies came together in the Fall of 2024 to train on the Standard Reunification Method (SRM). Watch the following video to learn more about the SRM.

One critical aspect of crisis response is creating accountable reunification of students with their parents or guardians following an emergency incident. The Standard Reunification Method provides school and district safety teams with proven methods for planning, practicing, and achieving a successful reunification process.

Additional resources

Comprehensive School Safety Plan

The California Education Code (sections 32280-32288) outlines the requirements of all public school districts operating any schools (including charter schools), serving grades kindergarten through 12 to write and develop a Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) that includes strategies to prevent and educate about potential incidents involving crime and violence on school campuses.

The following resources are intended to assist Santa Barbara County School Districts with their school safety plans.

webinar & useful resources
on the opioid & fentanyl crisis

Ed. Spotlight panelists

Moderator County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Susan Salcido with panelists Shanda Herrera (Principal, Pioneer Valley High School), Sr. Deputy George Hedricks (Community Resource & School Resource Deputy, Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office), Dr. Carrick Adam (Medical Director, Santa Barbara County Juvenile Justice Center), and Melissa Wilkins (Division Chief of Alcohol & Drug Programs, Santa Barbara County Dept. of Behavioral Wellness)

The Safe Schools Toolkitproduced by the California School Boards Association, includes new and updated school safety terminology, information about the most current threats to safety, and up-to-date resources for local educational agencies to use when implementing school safety policies and procedures.